Book Publishing Services

What We Do!
We Are More than A Publishing Company
Our company provides you with the services you need to become a published author. While our services are not free, they are fair and reasonable. Our company gives you the options to choosing 1 to 4 color covers and to print 1 to 5,000 books. We help you decide what size book is best for your project.
Your book will be distributed by Ingram Book Group and will be added to all brick and mortar databases, online bookstores, i.e., and Barnes and and more.
We offer E book publishing - we convert your book title to an eBook.
We also have marketing and promotion available!
Publish Your Book
Grant Writing
Narrator for Audiobooks
And so much more!!!
Want to turn your Print book into digital? We offer World Wide Distribution to eBooks - Kindle, Nook, and Audiobooks
Want to write a book but you are feeling lost and clueless on what steps to take?
Writing a book is one of the most challenging and rewarding things you will ever do. We won’t sugarcoat it: it takes serious determination, patience and hard work to finish a book. Talent? That’s not nearly as important as you think.
Every writer develops their own way of writing a book.
Because we Publish at the Lowest Rates, and pays 100% Royalties!
And if you are a poet, we specialize in Poetry!
If you are an Urban Fiction writer, we have you covered too!
All genres: Fiction, Non-Fiction, Poetry, Urban Fiction, Testimonials, Inspirational, Christian, Self- Help, and Children books! Book Publishing Services

Juanita Knox, Youth Counselor
Where do I begin? When I first contacted Consult God First Publishing, I had no idea what I was getting myself into but I'm glad I did. The Author herself was professional and when I gave her my material, she jumped right in and started to work the same day. The author also stayed in contact with me every step of the way. I can truly say I was pleased with her work and I'm looking forward to working with her again. As we had wrapped up business Mrs. Shaw also gave me a welcome and congratulations gift package which I absolutely love. Thank you, God, for a person who is God sent and thank you again Mrs. Lucretia Shaw for helping me release (Removing the Clutter)

Cathy Liess, Author
In prison, I met Lucretia while she was writing Jesus' mail to me. I had no idea that God had brought her into my life for a reason. I told her I wanted to write a book but didn't know how I was going to do it. Consult God First Publishing assisted me in realizing my vision. My book was finished and ready to be released when I was about to be released from prison. God's timing was impeccable! I am extremely grateful to this company and Lucretia, and I look forward to working with them again!

Ko'Derris Cowan, Author
“My experience with Consult God First Publishing has been amazing. They were very professional and heartwarming. If I needed anything to be answered, it was quickly and thoroughly. The staff was more than happy to give me advice. Being a first-time author, I needed some guidance and found that with Consult God First Publishing. I plan on using Consult God First Publishing for my next three books. It was more of a family experience with some very experienced people. I enjoyed my first-time publishing.”